Webinar Overview
Equitable, person-centered resident engagement and care for LGBTQ+ older adults is only possible when senior living communities prioritize the needs of this population and commit to better understanding their lifetime of experiences, including discriminatory obstacles they have faced. Learn about best practices and organizations who are paving the way when it comes to rethinking established practices in long-term care as they relate to truly supporting the LGBTQ+ population. 

Webinar attendees will be able to…

•    Describe how to prioritize culturally competent, trauma-informed care practices for residents in senior living communities
•    Integrate affirming language and preferred pronouns into their current practices to improve resident engagement
•    Outline common discriminatory practices experienced by LGBTQ+ older adults and understand how to support residents

1 free NAB, NCCAP, NCCDP and/or NCTRC CEU for those who attend the live event

Industry Expert Speakers
IMG_0596 - Marvell Adams-1


Marvell Adams Jr.

Founder and CEO, W Lawson



Robert Espinoza


Robert Espinoza

Executive VP of Policy, PHI



Carrie Shaw


Carrie Shaw

CEO and Founder, Embodied Labs



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About Linked Senior

Our mission is to enhance life in senior living. We support person-centered care through life enrichment and dementia engagement using simple technology and non drug therapy. Learn more or connect with our team to learn how Linked Senior is a cost effective, ROI-centered service that improves outcomes, helps increase compliance, boosts staff empowerment, lowers turnover and increases job satisfaction and revenue. Get In Touch