Webinar Overview

On July 31, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new voluntary nationwide model – the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model – a model test that aims to support people living with dementia and their unpaid caregivers.

The GUIDE Model, to launch in 2024, will focus on dementia care management and aims to improve quality of life for people living with dementia, reduce strain on their unpaid caregivers, and enable people living with dementia to remain in their homes and communities. It will achieve these goals through a comprehensive package of care coordination and care management, caregiver education and support, and respite services.

Dr. Jennifer Stelter, the CEO of the Dementia Connection Institute, and Rachelle Blough, owner of Rachelle Blough, LTD, will define further what is the GUIDE model, provide an understanding of how this may impact your residents and the caregiver's role, and how this can help families navigate this journey better.


Participtants will learn the following:

  • Learn what is the GUIDE Model and it's components.

  • Understand how this impacts your residents and caregiver role.

  • Discuss how this can help families navigating the journey with their loved ones.

1 FREE CEU will be available for attendees who stay logged in for the full length of the webinar and respond to our time-sensitive feedback survey.

We offer NCCAP, NCCDP, NAB, NCTRC, NZSDRT and Non-CEU certificates. 

Industry Expert Speakers
Dr Stelters Head Shot-Small - Jennifer Stelter

rachelle blough -headshot 2020 - Rachelle blough


Dr. Jennifer Stelter


Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Creator of the Dementia Connection Model©, and Senior Living & Dementia Care Consultant



Rachelle Blough, CTRS, CDP, CADDCT

Owner, Rachelle Blough, LTD



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About Linked Senior

Our mission is to enhance life in senior living. We support person-centered care through life enrichment and dementia engagement using simple technology and non drug therapy. Learn more or connect with our team to learn how Linked Senior is a cost effective, ROI-centered service that improves outcomes, helps increase compliance, boosts staff empowerment, lowers turnover and increases job satisfaction and revenue. Get In Touch