Webinar Overview
This session will address the common barriers that often prevent people who are living with dementia in senior living to get outside. Addressing dementia through a nature-based and human rights lens, Dr. Michelle Olson and Jodie Berman will share case examples of how forest therapy and art therapy can offer alternative means of communication for people who are living with dementia.
They will share tips for senior living organizations to develop deeper age-diverse relationships in their communities through nature and expressive arts. They will include an inspiring opportunity for attendees to take a well-deserved breath with nature and enjoy a simple, art experiential. No prior art experience is needed! Participants just will need access to the outdoors, a window, or even a house plant. Bring any drawing materials you have on hand and a piece of paper!
Attendees will be able to:
• State two barriers that senior living faces in getting people outside and at least two solutions to overcome these challenges.
• Outline how ageism and ableism show up in senior living and how age-diverse connections can help eradicate these common phenomena.
• Explain how nature-based art therapy and expressive arts programming valuable and effective means of communication and empowerment for people can be living with dementia.

1 free NAB, NCCAP, NCCDP and/or NCTRC CEU for those who attend the full-length of the live event and take our post-session survey.

Industry Expert Speakers
Molson1 (1) (1) - Michelle Olson


Dr. Michelle Olson

Founder and Executive Director, Evergreen Minds, Inc





Jodie Berman Bio Pic Evergreen Minds - Michelle Olson


Jodie Berman

Director of Education, Evergreen Minds, Inc. 





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About Linked Senior

Our mission is to enhance life in senior living. We support person-centered care through life enrichment and dementia engagement using simple technology and non drug therapy. Learn more or connect with our team to learn how Linked Senior is a cost effective, ROI-centered service that improves outcomes, helps increase compliance, boosts staff empowerment, lowers turnover and increases job satisfaction and revenue. Get In Touch